
The mission of the Royal Veterinary College is to be a leading international authority in education, clinical care, research, expert opinion and employment in veterinary and biomedical sciences.

⬤ Compassionate…
as we strive for happy, healthy and resilient individuals and communities.
⬤ Professional…
as we aspire to the highest standards of behaviour and conduct in all our work and study.
⬤ Respectful…
of one another, with tolerance and understanding at the heart of our desire to create a diverse, inclusive and open culture.
⬤ Committed…
to our work and study, to our research and innovation, to our teaching and our learning, to the student experience, to the prevention and cure of disease, to the care of animals, and to our people.
⬤ Curious…
in all our endeavours as we improve, evolve and innovate, being the best we can be.
As we continue to chart the most unusual and turbulent of waters, establishing a map that lays out our strategic direction for the next five years seems a more speculative and uncertain task than ever before. One of the issues when dealing with a crisis is that one can become embedded in day-to-day and week-to-week thinking, with survival being the key and, perhaps, only priority. Creating a strategy requires a different focus where horizons are not obscured by routine and where vision is directed towards the possible, not just the probable.
In over 230 years, the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has made signal contributions to all aspects of veterinary and animal health related science and practice, ranging from the fundamentals of pathogen biology through clinical interventions to the prevention and policy end of the disease control spectrum. Throughout our history, a comparative biomedical ethos has been at the heart of the RVC. In recent years, and marking the growing understanding of our place in a much larger environment, we consider our role in terms of population and ecosystem health – the RVC in its contribution to animal health also has impact on public health and wellbeing, as well as the sustainability of our planet.
So, whether we are sequencing the genetic material of viruses that infect people and livestock, developing novel therapies that address inherited disease in children and puppies, or working with food production systems that are low carbon and antibiotic free – our strategy from discovery to delivery must be ambitious and designed with impact in mind.
At the core of what we do is the nurturing of the next generation of veterinary and biomedical scientists and clinicians. Our educational mission is what makes the RVC unique in its standalone and specialist nature – we are neither simply a centre of veterinary clinical expertise nor a research institute – we are a university. It is on a pedagogical foundation that our past was built and our future lies and, whilst discovery and delivery are essential elements of our architecture, our sustainability is to be found in the young people who come to us for education, training and, ultimately, careers.
Our mantra of “good, better, best” and, in our last strategic plan, the aim of being the place of recommendation for study, employment, and expert advice have taken us to a point where our offering is recognised as amongst the best available internationally. The challenge of the next chapter will be to ensure we continue to improve, continue to evolve, and continue to innovate. Change is a constant.
In addressing our ambitions, we must be sure to thread each strand through a matrix defined by the pillars of our mission and the values we profess – professionalism, respect, commitment, curiosity, and above all, compassion.
It is both our heritage and our legacy.

We aim to be a world-leading organisation in the discovery and dissemination of impactful knowledge in veterinary, biomedical and allied sciences, food sustainability, zoonotic disease control and translational medicine.

We will...
- Build on our existing strengths in One Health and Comparative Medicine, through partnerships with cognate national and international organisations.
- Attract and develop world-class talent by investing in early career scientists and promoting diversity in each of our research areas, invigorating our research agenda with embedded capacity in new clinical facilities.
- Develop our environment, resources and cross-cutting skills to generate, model and analyse large data sets, such as VetCompass, to test new hypotheses.
- Advance the London BioScience Innovation Centre (LBIC), to enhance economic contributions, research collaborations, and industry links.
- Establish the Centre for Vaccinology and Regenerative Medicine (CVRM) as a leading industry-facing, university based enterprise, focused on targeted vaccination and stem cell strategies.
- Establish the Centre for Translational and Clinical Imaging (TRACI), fostering links with key stakeholders and collaborators.
...to achieve the following outcomes:
- Recognition as a One Health centre of excellence, addressing
global challenges to population and ecosystem health. - Strengthening our identity as a partner of choice for commercial ventures and clinical trials.
- Production of a diverse cadre of graduates, postgraduates and early career researchers able to work within industry, government and academia, and equipped to address modern veterinary and biomedical challenges.
- Increased income from a diverse funder base, government sponsored innovation initiatives and commercialisation of our own research.

We aim to be recognised as world leaders in veterinary science, the biological and biomedical sciences and veterinary nursing education, and the delivery of a student-focused university experience.

We will...
- Offer, and evolve, curricula which prepare our students for their career destinations and lifelong learning with a focus on cultural competency and learning outcomes, and deploying blended modes of delivery which accommodate the needs of all our students.
- Optimise the student experience across all our programmes and contribute to national initiatives in developing appropriate metrics for student satisfaction and success.
- Influence future policy and practice within the professions and engage with the development of new requirements and accreditation frameworks as set by regulatory bodies.
- Invest further in owned and partnered initiatives and programmes in advancing our mission in a sustainable fashion.
- Cement a portfolio approach to recruitment of students from a diverse range of backgrounds.
...to achieve the following outcomes:
- Highly skilled graduates and postgraduates that understand
and address local, national and international challenges in a rapidly
changing world. - Being recognised as an authority in, and an example of, quality, progressive and technologically advanced educational and professional standards.
- A diverse community of lifelong learners enabled to understand and curate their own learning and experiences, with a growth mindset and a continuing connection to RVC as a place to further their development.
- Alumni who are considered outstanding members of their chosen areas of endeavour.
We aim to be regarded as a leading international authority in animal health and welfare by innovating, advancing and providing the highest levels of clinical practice.

We will...
- Develop our next generation of clinical facilities, to meet the training needs required for the diversity of careers in general and specialist practice, as well as providing an effective clinical research environment.
- Evolve our clinical partnerships and our other general practice facilities.
- Exploit the potential offered by national and international remote and digitally enabled veterinary services as well as the development and use of advanced imaging and radiotherapy facilities.
- Embed a high quality, client-focused approach to service provision.
- Implement systems and processes which ensure our clinical facilities are cost-effective and efficient.
...to achieve the following outcomes:
- New clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic facilities to support the best clinical, research and educational outcomes across the broad range of clinical disciplines.
- Diversified general and specialist services across species, focused
on both patient outcomes and the client experience. - An educational experience which fully meets the needs of our veterinary medical and nursing students as well as our specialists-in-training.
- Continued professional clinical accreditation at the highest level.
- Efficient, well-run facilities delivering an optimal financial return.
Our strategies for Human Resources, Finance, Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability combine to support the delivery of our mission-specific strategic aims. These enabling strategies align objectives with operational commitments and reflect national and sectoral priorities, as well as those particular to the RVC.

We will...
- Ensure wellbeing is the prime guiding principle for work and study.
- Advance equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the RVC.
- Support development of our people in all roles at the RVC.
- Reinforce a values-driven approach to professionalism for all at the RVC.
- Engage and commit to mutually beneficial relationships with our alumni, partners and all other stakeholders.
We will...
- Plan and manage our finances to ensure a resilient and sustainable financial base from which to undertake future capital investment and secure external financing.
- Deliver value for money through more efficient and effective means of delivering our business.
- Review the funding models for our key activities in the prevailing political and economic context and seek opportunities to diversify income streams.
- Pursue mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances and shared services, where appropriate, as a means of scale efficiencies and reputational enhancement.
We will...
- Be more environmentally sustainable, and carbon neutral by 2040.
- Create major plans for our digital and built environments.
- Maximise the return from our estates through prudent, proactive asset management.
- Evolve our academic status and identity to address prevailing needs and opportunities.

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make . . . I think only when our clever brain and our human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our full potential.”
Dr Jane Goodall

Established in 1791, the RVC is the UK’s longest-standing veterinary college – with a proud heritage of innovation in veterinary science, clinical practice and education.